The world has many problems. If you want to try to do something to make the world a better place, or try to be a better person, read on!
Change isn’t always easy. Major change can be extremely difficult. This can be true whether it is changing ourselves, helping someone else to change, or changing the world. There are reasons why this is. And there are ways to help positive change to happen. These pages provide some of this understanding.
Following Jesus
Jesus came to change the world in a good way, and to change each of us as part of that. He calls us to make a difference in the world too. Learn how you can begin a new life, be gradually changed by him, and be part of that journey.
Climate change
There has been a lot of misinformation about climate change. But my work as a hydrologist and river manager has made it clear to me that climate change is real, but vested interests are trying to deceive us.
You and I can make a positive difference. We can play our part in preserving the world’s fragile environment, and support action that will reduce damaging climate change.
Get some good facts here.
Is global warming really happening?
Extreme weather
Why care about climate change?
Climate change: causes and remedies
Let the oppressed go free
You and I can make a positive difference. We can play our part in caring for vulnerable people. We can learn how purchasing habits in affluent countries can lead to oppression of the poor around the world.
There is much we can do to change this, if we are willing to give up a little of our affluence so the poor are not exploited.
Photo by NASA.
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