Blowing in the wind
Race riots in the sixties drew a supportive response from young whites. Will it happen again? Will christians stand on the side of compassion and justice? Will it make a difference? The answer is blowing in the wind.
thoughtful ideas on life's big questions
Race riots in the sixties drew a supportive response from young whites. Will it happen again? Will christians stand on the side of compassion and justice? Will it make a difference? The answer is blowing in the wind.
People pray but they don’t seem to get answers, except coincidentally. Doesn’t this show there’s no God there to answer them?
All the news is about the coronavirus, but what does this pandemic tell us (if anything) about God?
What this page is about We have seen that some people appear to have experienced God through a healing, a vision or other “peak” experience. But what of the rest of us, who haven’t had such an experience? Does God communicate in more “ordinary” ways? Does this make a difference in people’s lives? In this […]
What this page is about I don’t know about you, but when I hear a story of someone seeing a vision – of God, or Jesus or angels, or whatever – my first thought is to think hallucination, imagination or even invention. Likely as fake as the above graphic. We live in a day when […]
This page in brief …. Some people have deep spiritual, or mystical, experiences. Many of them believe they have experienced God. Psychologists have examined these experiences, which are very real, and can describe some of their common characteristics. Could this really be God communicating with people? Let’s look at the evidence that psychologists have uncovered.
The story so far We have been looking at different aspects of our common experience as human beings that are hard, if not impossible, to explain if our universe is no more than physical. Most neuroscientists find it hard to see why our consciousness, our unique sense of ourselves, would evolve in a purely physical […]
Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong, however warped it may be, but where does it come from? Are some things really right and wrong, or are ethics just arbitrary?
The story so far ….. We have seen that it is hard to explain the fact that the universe exists without some sort of cause and hard to explain its apparent design apart from a designer. Then we saw that it is also difficult to explain human consciousness on purely naturalistic terms. This post, we […]
We have looked at how the universe gives us strong clues that God exists. Now it is time to come closer to home, and examine how humanity offers clues to God. We know everything else in the universe from the outside, but we know ourselves from the inside. That inside knowledge raises some perplexing questions. […]