Tag: Life

Life goals

Many pundits recommend we set ourselves clear goals in life. This short film is an imaginative look at goals and achievement.

Visions and supernatural experiences: are they real?

People see visions of Jesus or angels, or receive visitations from recently departed relatives. Can we believe these reports?

Is altruism really good for you?

Altruism benefits the giver as well as the recipient, and religious beliefs and practices tend to promote altruism. But there are better and worse forms of altruism.

Can humans be reduced to atoms and electro-chemical processes?

An article by a prominent neuroscience researcher argues against a materialistic approach to brain and mind. What can we learn from him?

People are precious?

People matter more than things, we sometimes say. But do we matter more than animals? Our laws say so. What can we learn from this?

A challenge to materialism?

There are many things about humans which are hard to explain. Consciousness is one. When we try to explain it we end up in interesting places.

Where is God in this sad and weary world?

Are you feeling weary of the this world, do its problems weight heavily on you? Does God feel the same? What’s he doing about it?

Three lives changed!

A story of a mother and two daughters whose lives were changed one by one. Were these changes miraculous? You be the judge!

Are “supernatural” religious experiences a sign of mental illness?

People who hear voices or see visions are abnornal, right? But are they suffering from a mental ilness?

Why did God do it?

If I was God, I’m just not sure I would have created humans, with all the pain and suffering that can lead to.