Tag: God

Where is God in this sad and weary world?

Are you feeling weary of the this world, do its problems weight heavily on you? Does God feel the same? What’s he doing about it?

Three lives changed!

A story of a mother and two daughters whose lives were changed one by one. Were these changes miraculous? You be the judge!

Are “supernatural” religious experiences a sign of mental illness?

People who hear voices or see visions are abnornal, right? But are they suffering from a mental ilness?

Why did God do it?

If I was God, I’m just not sure I would have created humans, with all the pain and suffering that can lead to.

God and time

Does God experience time, or not? Both viewpoints explain some things and not others.

Logic or feelings?

If you don’t believe in God, are there reasons in your own feelings that can tell you something worthwhile?

Does God play hide and seek?

It’s hard to believe something we can’t see. So why doesn’t God make himself visible to us? Or is God more “visible” than we might first think?

Is God a good theory?

An old Sean Carroll video asks whether God is a good scientific theory. The video is persuasive, but most of the arguments fall down on analysis.

Christians and evidence

Christians are sometimes accused of believing things with no evidence, or even against the evidence. But a closer look shows that the matter isn’t that simple.

Why don’t I disbelieve in God?

How do I balance 12 reasons to believe in God and 6 reasons to disbelieve? I think the theistic arguments are stronger and more fundamental. There are good reasons to believe!