A lot of things are written about Jesus, by believers, sceptics and everyone in between. But what do the expert historians say? There is a difference between facts and belief. In this post I am examining what those who have studied the matter have concluded. It is likely more than most sceptics want to believe […]
A Buddhist finds God in an unexpected way, but doesn’t know who he is, so calls him Bruce Almighty.
Forgiveness is a core part of the christian faith, and I thought I understood it. But I found it was slightly more complicated than I thought.
The Christmas story is as old as time. But how well do we know it really? Test yourself against these twelve questions.
What difference would it make if you came to believe God exists? What would you do differently?
A story of a mother and two daughters whose lives were changed one by one. Were these changes miraculous? You be the judge!
If I was God, I’m just not sure I would have created humans, with all the pain and suffering that can lead to.
The very public argument between the “new atheists” and religion was big news a decade or two ago, but it seems to have faded away. So what has happened to the players on the two sides, and what has happened to the arguments? Are we any closer to the truth? A long look back In […]
In almost 60 years as a believer, I have had times of faith and times of doubt. So why do I keep on believing in Jesus and trying to follow his teachings?
Can we judge a belief by how much it benefits or hurts the human race? If so, how does christianity measure up?