Murder, mayhem and millions of refugees?
The account of Moses leading Israelites out of Egypt and Joshua leading them into Canaan are important parts of the Old Testament. But are they true?
thoughtful ideas on life's big questions
The account of Moses leading Israelites out of Egypt and Joshua leading them into Canaan are important parts of the Old Testament. But are they true?
Sorry, I hit “publish” accidentally. Correct page coming soon.
Are our western secular values more dependent on Christianity than we think? Historical writer Tom Holland argues the case.
More than a dozen stories of people who’s life journey took them in unexpected ways towards God, in three recent books.
Has the New Testament been changed over the years? Are the writers reporting what they know, or was it written long after the events?
Archaeological discoveries this century throw light on the life of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels.
Archaeological and other investigations continue to throw light on the history surrounding Jesus. Here begins a series of posts where I look at some of the latest information.
Is the God portrayed in the Old Testament evil? Is he different to the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament?
Is christianity still relevant and believable in the 21st century? If it’s understood in the right way, I think it is.
The resurrection of Jesus is the core of christianity yet an unbelievable miracle to many. How does a historian analyse the evidence?