Why does the universe exist? God vs science?

February 8th, 2014

The Cosmological argument for the existence of God has been around for millennia, and is still much debated. Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has used various versions of it for years in debates with atheists, generally very successfully. So when an agnostic cosmologist with an interest in philosophy examines it, we are sure to learn […]

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The Big Picture – reasons for an atheist to change his mind

February 1st, 2014

People believe in God, or disbelieve, for many different reasons. What convinces one person makes no impression on another. So I am always interested in what convinces people, or not. And I am very interested in attempts people make to give an integrated and holistic explanation for belief. Fellow blogger (Minimalist Christian) Phil Hemsley was […]

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Does religion make people prejudiced?

January 21st, 2014

Scientific studies have suggested that religious belief (regardless of whether it is true or not) has many social and personal benefits, but may encourage more sexist attitudes and a lesser degree of openness to others. Some recent studies have looked at the association of religion with prejudice.

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A brief addendum on climate science

January 14th, 2014

Further to my rave on climate science yesterday, here is a website where a geochemist reports he reviewed thousands of peer reviewed articles on climate science, dated November 2012 to December 2013. Of 2258 papers, with a total of 9136 authors, he found only one paper and one author who denied that human-caused global warming […]

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World climate 2013: honest disagreement, wilful blindness or deliberate deception?

January 13th, 2014

I have looked at Australia’s climate in 2013. Now, how did the world’s climate fare in 2013? And what does the recent “polar vortex” in the US say about climate change?

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“While I can’t definitely say that gods don’t exist I am more certain that they don’t than I am that the sun will rise tomorrow.”

January 8th, 2014

My friend Gordon is an atheist and a reader of this blog. Recently in a comment on a previous post, he made the above comment. It is still holiday time, I’m a nerd, and I enjoy a challenge, so I wondered whether I could analyse the science, and the belief. People with dedicated serious minds […]

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2013 – that was the year that was ….. hot!

January 4th, 2014

The Daily Telegraph in Sydney has been mounting an extensive disinformation campaign on climate change for years now. The tactic is simple, and apparently effective, if not truthful – latch onto any isolated “fact” that seems to show some evidence of a cool world, ignore all the facts, evidence and reports to the contrary, and […]

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Irrefutable evidence?

December 27th, 2013

Recently I was following a debate between a christian and a non-believer, and the non-believer said that he (I presume it was “he”) would require “irrefutable evidence” to consider changing his mind about God. It seemed like a rather stringent requirement to me, so I started thinking …. What things could we reasonably say we […]

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Jesus: more than a baby!

December 22nd, 2013


It’s that time of year, when even non-christians think about Jesus, at least a little. But what do they think? What should they think?

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The star of Bethlehem

December 17th, 2013

Wise men and the star

It’s almost Christmas, so it’s a good time for a look at something interesting but not so serious. What was the star that the wise men followed to lead them to where the baby Jesus was in Bethlehem?

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A list of all blog posts, in reverse chronological order, is on the Blog archive page.