
December 28th, 2024 in Life. Tags: , , , , , ,
Neon sign of hope

As 2024 draws to a close, many people feel it has been an unsettling year.

It may be an improvement on the years of the pandemic, but many people still seem to be feeling negative and looking for hope.

But what gives people hope? Is it important? Are people’s hopes ever fulfilled?

What gives people hope?

If a particular situation makes people feel fearful, taking action can bring them hope. For example, if you feel anxious about climate change or politics generally, joining an action group will most likely help you feel more hopeful.

But if your sense of unease is more general, or based on factors out of your control (e.g. due to life situation or illness), you may find hope in:

  • Family & friends: someone you trust to share your thoughts with, someone who will listen.
  • Spirituality: even if people have no clear belief in God, they will still find hope through prayer and faith.
  • Nature: being in nature, or even watching a nature video, can help people forget their problems and find calm, peace and comfort.
  • Inside: some people cannot find hope in any of these sources, and can only look to themselves.

What is hope?

Hope can be seen as a way of looking at the future with optimism. It is thinking that the future can be better than the present, and you (or someone else) can bring this about.

Why is hope important?

It turns out that hope is very helpful for our wellbeing in many different:

  • Hopeful people are likely to:
    • sleep better, have fewer chronic health conditions, be at lower risk of cancer and have lower mortality;
    • have lower levels of psychological distress and better social wellbeing;
    • have a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction in life;
    • be less likely to be depressed or suicidal;
    • be more able to cope with chronic illness, and more likely to engage in healthier behaviours;
  • Hope is correlated with superior academic and athletic performance.
  • Among teens, hope is linked with health, quality of life, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose.
  • Individuals with high hope are more likely to view stressful situations as challenging rather than threatening,
  • Hope is a motivational factor that helps initiate and sustain action toward long-term goals and to maintain their positive involvement in life regardless of any limitations imposed upon them.

Hope is a powerful catalyst for resilience, healing, growth and change. It is worthwhile learning how to foster greater hope!

Become more hopeful

There is plenty of advice on this.

Cultivate a positive attitude

Take deliberate steps

Hope therapy can be helpful in developing a positive attitude and achieving goals.

But …. there’s always a “but”

Taking positive steps to build hope may not work for everyone.

We can change our attitudes via mindfulness, therapy or positive thinking. But these may do nothing to take away the actual circumstances which are making us feel hope-less.

If our hopes are unrealistic, then failing to achieve our goals will likely lead to disillusionment and poor choices.

So impractical goals and false hope can leave us more hopeless than when we started.

Christian hope

Christian belief and practice can help us be more hopeful:

  • It encourages us to feel gratitude and practice kindness and forgiveness.
  • It can surround us with supportive people.
  • Believing God loves and forgives us can build self esteem.
  • Christian hope is built on God’s character, which sustains hope better than our own aspirations do.

Of course christian hope (e.g. in answered prayer or healing) that isn’t fulfilled can also leave us disappointed.

Hope for 2025

I wish you a hopeful 2025.

Why not benefit from the advice of positive psychologists and from christian belief?

Generated by NightCafe.

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  1. This was a wonderful first article for the new year. It’s funny that you would bring up hope and faith as recently I’ve been contemplating if there’s a difference between the two, at least as far as I’m concerned. I’ve found myself thinking “I don’t know if I truly have faith, as much as I might want to have it, but I can at least say I hope for the best” (the “best” being, in my personal preference, that there is God and meaning in existence). Unsurprisingly to anyone I suspect, how hopeful my agnostic self is fluctuates with my emotional and psychological state, and I do my best to a prevent neither my hopes or fears to control my conclusions. In my nightly agnostic prayer, which I began with “Dear God, if you really are there” I always include the mantra in the opening “I pray for faith, rationality, bravery, moral clarity and truth, so that I may see you’re universe as it is, and not has I hope or fear it to be”. I feel (and hope) this is both being genuinely hopeful and honest with myself, but I am sincerely unsure if this counts as faith. I suppose it depends on how one views and defines it. I personally can’t think of any real reason why I shouldn’t simply hope for the best, especially as I do believe (regardless of spiritual belief or lack there of) that all humans have evolved to want and need hope in virtually every aspect of their lives, wither they know it or not, and that it the data clearly shows from a pragmatic point of view, it’s vital for mental health, which in turn can help us make clear and thought-out decisions and contemplations, as well as a healthier life.

    How was your Christmas by the way? Hope everything is well with you! Need to catch up with you when I finally find the time.

    All the best Eric!


  2. Hi Aaron, and best wishes to you for the coming year!

    I can’t help thinking there is overlap between the meanings of faith and hope. Maybe the more basis we have for our hope, the more it moves towards faith, because we would normally think of faith as being faith in someone or something?

    I really do think you are being honest about all this. And I believe that God isn’t looking for ways to exclude us but for ways to include us.

    I was reading just today that younger people these days are more interested in spirituality that the previous generation was, even if they are unsure about what is true, which sort of seems like where you are at present. And yes, I believe it is true that spirituality and hope are very important for our wellbeing.

    We had a good Christmas thanks. How about you? By all means, please email.

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