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Awesome is good!

October 15th, 2024 in Interesting .... Tags: , , ,

Awesome is an over-used word. But some things really do give us a sense of awe.

Have you ever marvelled at the Milky Way on a clear night, or the grace and delicacy of an intricate spiderweb? Felt in awe of a fierce thunderstorm, or a huge waterfall? Maybe thinking about infinite space makes you feel a little strange?

Astronauts out in space looking back at earth often report feeling awe.

Whatever it is, it turns out that this feeling of awe is a good thing. Here’s why.

What is awe?

Awe is an emotional response to something incredibly vast, powerful or mysterious that seems beyond our normal experience. Many different experiences can inspire awe:

  • extraordinary or beautiful natural vistas;
  • emotive music, art or architecture;
  • watching the birth of your child;
  • watching an extraordinarily skilful performance by an athlete or dancer;
  • being confronted with a threat like a wild animal or a bomb attack;
  • a spiritual or mystical experiences that seem to come from something non-material.

These awe-inspiring experiences can affect and move us deeply. They can be so powerful they “blow our minds”, make us feel overwhelmed, humbled and small. Or maybe make us feel open-minded and part of something bigger. They can make us feel terrified or elated, or even both.

They can even change the way we look at the world, and how we behave.

Awe is good for us

Studies have shown that awe-inspiring experiences can lead to personal growth and enhance our character. There are many positives:

  • reducing our self focus and improving social connection;
  • improving both physical and mental health (including calming us down and reducing stress), and building life satisfaction;
  • helping us be kinder, more generous and prosocial (= acting to benefit others);
  • enhancing our critical and creative thinking;
  • helping us focus on living in the present moment;
  • re-thinking who we are, what matters to us (meaning) and our role in society;
  • giving us a feeling of having more time, and hence being less impatient.

How does this work?

Moments of awe seem to take us out of ourselves and our immediate concerns, and help us re-assess what matters most to us. This can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of purpose, which in turn adds to our sense of life satisfaction.

Children need awe too

We want our children to thrive. Love, sleep and play are all important for a child’s wellbeing. But so is awe. Awe can inspire children to be curuous, be more motivated to learn. It can help them feel more at home in themselves and in their community.

Getting more awe in our lives

The psychologists tell us that awe experiences don’t have to be rare and totally overwhelming to benefit us. We can take steps get more awe in our lives, and in our children’s lives.

  • Getting out in nature more. We are more likely to experience awe in the natural world than in built environments. When we find something special, pause to enjoy it and take it in.
  • Make different choices and try new and novel experiences.
  • Be curious. Watch documentaries about nature, outer space, human courage, etc.
  • Learn a little about astronomy, then get out at night to an unlit location and spend time looking at the stars. Learn some of the constellations and brighest stars and how large and far away they are.
  • When on holidays, visit awe-inspiring natural locations such as waterfalls, mountains and beaches, as well as significant buildings such as cathedrals or castles.
  • Watch films about inspiring individuals – athletes and people who changed their world.

God too

Religious experiences can induce awe. It can be mind-boggling and humbling to contemplate a God who has always existed, who apparently knows everything and can do anything he chooses. Or to think about an afterlife which goes on forever with that God. Or to see God rejuvenate people’s lives beyond our imagining.

This is doubtless partly why religious experiences can be so life affirming and personally beneficial in so many ways.

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Photo by Eva Bronzini

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