The silliest claim ever made?
If science and philosophy can’t explain consciousness, does that show consciousness is an illusion, or that science and philosophy are not adequate to the task?
thoughtful ideas on life's big questions
If science and philosophy can’t explain consciousness, does that show consciousness is an illusion, or that science and philosophy are not adequate to the task?
Is science is the best way to know things, “because scientific knowledge is better than non-scientific knowledge”? or is this an over-statement?
It doesn’t seem necessary for humans to be able to appreciate beauty to survive, so does our aesthetic sense point to God?
How do we know the truth about Jesus? If the evidence isn’t as clear as scientific evidence, should we believe it?
An article by a prominent neuroscience researcher argues against a materialistic approach to brain and mind. What can we learn from him?
The more we learn about our universe, and the forces and particles that form it, the more weird it seems.
Why do people believe or disbelieve in God? Do they have good reasons for their conclusions? I think I can see some trends in the way both believers and non-believers think about God. Working out how to respond is exercising my mind. See what you think. The ups and downs of theistic arguments When I […]
People matter more than things, we sometimes say. But do we matter more than animals? Our laws say so. What can we learn from this?
There are many things about humans which are hard to explain. Consciousness is one. When we try to explain it we end up in interesting places.
Can we judge a belief by how much it benefits or hurts the human race? If so, how does christianity measure up?