Category: Belief

What people believe about God – a summary of religions and how we might choose if any of them are true.

Why I don’t think I could ever be an atheist

Although I have many doubts and questions about God, I could never be an atheist. Here’s why.

Faith for the future?

Is christianity still relevant and believable in the 21st century? If it’s understood in the right way, I think it is.

History and the resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus is the core of christianity yet an unbelievable miracle to many. How does a historian analyse the evidence?

What do the leading secular historians say about Jesus?

A lot of things are written about Jesus, by believers, sceptics and everyone in between. But what do the expert historians say? There is a difference between facts and belief. In this post I am examining what those who have studied the matter have concluded. It is likely more than most sceptics want to believe […]

Jesus: historical facts vs belief

What is the difference between facts and belief, and how do they both relate to the historial Jesus?

When was the New Testament written?

Historians ask who wrote the New Testament books, when they wrote them, and why, to help make judgments about their accuracy. A new book examines this.

World’s biggest religion?

What is the world’s largest religion? Which one is growing the fastest? Is religion in decline? What is the future of religious belief? These questions are of interest to many people, believers and unbelievers alike. Some answers are easy to guess, some may be a little more surprising. Here’s the latest information and predictions. Biggest […]

God: how much do we know?

People ask all sorts of questions about God, but what can we base answers on? I think God has given us enough information.

God and time

Does God experience time, or not? Both viewpoints explain some things and not others.

Believing in Jesus through faith and doubt

In almost 60 years as a believer, I have had times of faith and times of doubt. So why do I keep on believing in Jesus and trying to follow his teachings?