Category: Belief

What people believe about God – a summary of religions and how we might choose if any of them are true.

Legends of the Fall

Are the stories of Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah and the Tower of Babel legends or true? Can the Bible be true if they are legends?

Murder, mayhem and millions of refugees?

The account of Moses leading Israelites out of Egypt and Joshua leading them into Canaan are important parts of the Old Testament. But are they true?

The Bible: all or nothing?

Sorry, I hit “publish” accidentally. Correct page coming soon.

What should we make of the Old Testament?

What should we make of the Old Testament? Is it worth reading?

New Testament reliability, 2023

Has the New Testament been changed over the years? Are the writers reporting what they know, or was it written long after the events?

Jesus & archaeology, 2023

Archaeological discoveries this century throw light on the life of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels.

Jesus and history, 2023

Archaeological and other investigations continue to throw light on the history surrounding Jesus. Here begins a series of posts where I look at some of the latest information.

A happy ending?

I like to relate stories that have happy endings and point to God. I’m not sure how Anna McGahan’s story fits in, but decide for yourself!

Yahweh vs Jesus

Is the God portrayed in the Old Testament evil? Is he different to the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament?

Why I don’t think I could ever be an atheist

Although I have many doubts and questions about God, I could never be an atheist. Here’s why.