- Trial page
- Is there a God (Home)
- Is there a God?
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- Why believe in God?
- Is God really a God of love?
- Who created God?
- How can God allow evil?
- Does God hide himself from us?
- Will God forgive me?
- How did the universe start?
- Why is the physics of the universe “just right” for life to appear?
- Evolution and God
- Does religion cause wars?
- Can healing miracles actually occur?
- How do we know right and wrong?
- Was Jesus a real person?
- Is Troy in the Bible?
- Life
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- Dying doctor recovers after prayer (Dr Sean George)
- Heart-starting action
- Remarkable healing reported in medical journal
- Addicts healed by prayer
- Ten healing miracles
- Healing miracles at Lourdes
- More healing miracles
- Does God heal and speak today?
- Faith and health
- Faith and wellbeing
- Studies of medicine and religion
- Can prayer assist healing?
- Studies of intercessory prayer and healing
- Healing of sight and hearing
- From atheist to christian
- Two atheist Professors
- The things we do for love: three atheists convert
- Converted by evidence
- A life-changing coincidence
- “The implications of my atheism were incompatible with almost every value I held dear”
- A novelist and his unusual odyssey
- More atheists convert
- A slow year’s journey into light
- An atheist legacy
- Changed lives
- Anna McGahan
- Conversion stories
- A young Muslim intellectual changes course
- Philosophy is not enough
- It lasts
- “I still keep to Jesus this night”
- Fall in love and fall apart
- Unusual spiritual experiences
- Visions of Jesus?
- Mystical experiences
- Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
- Making sense of life and self
- Do angels really exist?
- What is the meaning of life?
- The importance of forgiveness
- Certainty and uncertainty
- Happiness
- Simple keys to a happier life
- What makes people happy?
- What makes people happy references
- Materialism and happiness
- Pleasure and happiness
- Love, relationships and happiness
- Meaning, beliefs and happiness
- Positive psychology
- Seventy years in the making
- Clues
- Why believe in God?
- How is it possible to know the truth about God?
- Why would you want to believe in God?
- 10 things we can all believe?
- Why would anyone believe ….. or disbelieve?
- The universe and God
- How did the universe start?
- Was the universe designed for us?
- Science and the design of the universe
- Does mathematics prove God?
- Life on earth
- A rare earth?
- DNA, genes and human history
- Evolution and its critics
- Evolution and God
- Adam and Eve
- The human race
- Are our brains like computers?
- The mystery of consciousness
- Do humans have free will?
- How do we know right and wrong?
- Reason leads us to God
- Like a bird on the wire?
- Are people more than animals?
- The social and personal benefits of christianity
- Human experience of God
- Healing miracles and God
- How can we test alleged healing miracles?
- Truth and evidence
- Truth, proof and certainty
- Is faith the opposite of reason?
- Is there no evidence for God?
- The conflict between science and religion
- God of the gaps – 4 thoughts
- The psychology of religious belief
- Reasons to disbelieve in God?
- Atheist arguments
- Does religion cause terrorism?
- Does religion cause wars?
- How can god allow evil?
- God and evil
- Road tests
- Two stories: choose your own adventure
- Does religion poison everything?
- Belief vs unbelief
- Philosophical arguments: the existence of God
- The Cosmological argument
- The Teleological argument
- The Moral argument
- An alternative fine-tuning argument
- Does God hide himself from us?
- Belief (God, religion and faith)
- Knowing God
- God (show me a sign)
- Where in the world is God?
- Choosing my religion
- Religions
- 10 facts about 12 major religions
- A summary of world religions
- Are all religions the same?
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Could a good God send people to hell?
- Is there life after death?
- How many christians are converts?
- Jesus
- Was Jesus a real person?
- Quotes on Jesus as a historical person
- Jesus in history
- Who was Jesus? (summary)
- Who was Jesus?
- Did Jesus really perform miracles?
- Jesus – son of God?
- Was Jesus raised from the dead?
- Historical Jesus references
- Sceptical explanations for Jesus
- Egyptian god Horus and Jesus
- Jesus and Mithras
- Was Jesus a copy of pagan gods?
- The New Testament as history
- Are the gospels historical?
- The reliability of the New Testament text
- Who wrote the New Testament? Does it matter?
- Which New Testament historians should we trust?
- Archaeology and John’s gospel
- New Testament errors?
- Were Bethlehem and Nazareth real places?
- Difficulties with the Old Testament
- Can we believe the Old Testament?
- Did Moses really lead 2 million people across the Red Sea and into Canaan?
- Did God really order the slaughter of the Canaanites?
- Did the walls of Jericho really fall down?
- Change
- Change?
- Building a better world
- Why facts don’t always change our minds
- Following Jesus
- Following Jesus: first steps
- Faith for the new millennium
- Living to serve others
- Climate change
- Is global warming really happening?
- Extreme weather
- Why care about climate change?
- Climate change: causes and remedies
- Let the oppressed go free
- People shouldn’t be bought and sold
- The bitter truth about chocolate
- Ethical clothing
- Wisdom & fun
- Blog pages
- Say what you think!
- About
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