Is there a God (Home)

This page last updated June 21st, 2024

Life’s big questions

Ever wonder if there’s any purpose in life?

Or asked yourself: What makes a good life? Can I know right and wrong? Is there a God, and does God love me?

I have researched facts about life’s big questions, and gathered accounts of people on the journey.

I hope this may stimulate your thinking and help you think things through.

New to this site? You might like to start here

Alice & the queen

Impossible to believe – or just hard?

Assessing the believability of reasons to think God exists, or doesn’t.

Child holding up ten fingers

10 things we can all believe?

Can’t believe in God? Here are 10 things you may be able to believe.

Healing stories

Accounts of people who were healed of serious illnesses and conditions after they were prayed for.

Did Jesus really perform miracles?

Can we reqally believe Jesus performed miracles? What is the historical evidence?

Short answers to common questions

Faith for the future

Download the free 32-page PDF (click on link and save PDF file). Written primarily for those doubting the faith they were raised in, it outlines why we might choose to believe in God and what we might believe about him, and so may also interest thoughtful unbelievers.

It covers intellectual and personal reasons why we might doubt the truth of christianity, and why we might choose to believe. It gives thoughtful and maybe surprising answers to fundamental questions:

  • Is there a God and does he love me?
  • Is Jesus really the son of God?
  • Is the Bible truly God’s Word?

Then it addresses how a thoughtful 21st century christian might understand the Bible in this scientific age, things modern people can’t believe any more, and ethical questions such as patriarchy and gender.

Or check out these topics


Check out what really makes us happy in life, and read about lives that have been filled with hope, healing or happiness.

footprint in the sand

We don’t have to fly blind – there are plenty of clues to God we can investigate if we want to find him.


Check out christian and other belief in God, see what makes sense and what you might be able to believe for yourself.

Change yourself and change the world – make it a better place for everyone.

A few things fun or creative …….. or something.

Comments from readers

“I don’t know Eric personally, but his site–the time and effort he has clearly put into each and every page and article he’s written–speaks for itself. Whether you’re looking to just get your toes wet or prefer wading in the depths, there’s something here for everyone to help assist them on their journey of faith. Thank you, sincerely Eric, for all you’ve put into this site”
John, November 2023. (John operates the Uniting Our Prayer website.)

“I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your blog. I’m, I suppose, what one would call an agnostic …. and have found myself pondering those very typically human questions. I find your blog very honest and am delighted by your own analytical style and your tendancy to provide multiple views on any given subject. I also find your willingness to admit doubt on any line of thought on any given subject truly liberating to see”
Aaron, June 2021.

“I’ve just discovered your site, and it’s full of wonderful, interesting information and insight. Very impressive, really great. I’ll check it regularly.”
Rob, February, 2021.

… there is much to digest on this one page. Many thanks for providing so many answers for me. I will be looking closely at other pages.”
Richard, February, 2020.

“This is really thought-provoking.”
Aika, March, 2019.

“This is a great post and I think clearly frames the issues in an appropriate way. …. it seems you have been doing some great work with your blog. I really like the format and writing.”
Joe, November, 2018.

“If the Christian God is real then I think the conception you espouse is among the more viable options out there, and that’s a testament to your willingness to allow the data to inform your theology.”
Travis, September 2017.

“As a new christian, this has become one of my favorite sites from the first visit. Fantastic information, would love to see a book on all this out of you! …. I am just finding this blog but I love it already! I grew up in a very science heavy background and never really believed in God.”
Alex, December 2016, August 2015.

“I teach a college level course on mysticism. This is the single, best article on the subject I have found. It is fair, rational, well-documented. Put simply, it hits the nail on the head.”
Lee, December 2016.

“As far as knowledgeable Christians that you could reach out to, there’s an Aussie who goes by “unkleE” …. I was raised in a fundamentalist version of Christianity that preached biblical inerrancy …. unkleE’s theology is much more liberal/moderate (and preferable) than the one I grew up with. While unkleE and I often disagree, I have a great deal of respect for him as a person and as a Christian. He’s sincere, and that counts for a lot in my book. So if you’d like the input of a Christian, I highly recommend him.”
Nate, 2014. (Nate’s blog is Finding Truth)

You can read more comments (if you’re a glutton for punishment!) on Positive comments from readers.